Changing the Lives of Queer & Trans Youth in Maine

OUT Maine’s professional trainings can be taken for continuing education (CEU) credits, and printable certificates of completion are available after each module.

Live Trainings

Multiple Locations in ME

Self-Paced Online Trainings

Accessible online 24/7

Trainings for Your Workplace

In-person and online

Thank you for seeking out ways to better support and affirm LGBTQ+ youth. Since 2015, OUT Maine has been a national leader in providing engaging, informative trainings to professionals who interface with LGBTQ+ youth. Our interactive trainings are inclusivity-focus and trauma-informed, and are offered by experienced, informed members of the LGBTQ+ community and are geared to anyone seeking professional development or continuing education opportunities and credits, as well as those looking for current best practices within the field of inclusivity and youth development.

Changing the Lives of Queer & Trans Youth in Maine

We train anyone who impacts the lives of queer and trans youth and works within the space of social and emotional learning (SEL). We are particularly expert at working with mental health providers, clinicians, and social workers (LCSW), counselors, teachers and others in schools and other educational settings, including summer camps and community youth organizations. OUT Maine Professional Training can be taken for continuing education (CEU) credits, and printable certificates of completion are available after each module.

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