Dear Chuck: To Ask or Not to Ask

Dear Anonymous: If you have someone who has not yet shared their pronouns with you, the best to do is offer your own pronouns. Say “Hello, my name is _____, and I use (he/him) pronouns.” It is best to let this person share their pronouns with you on their...

Supporting All Students

Q: Dear Chuck, I have a question that I was hoping you could help support. I have a student in fourth grade who is having a hard time accepting a student who identifies as female but was born male.  This fourth grader has had conversations at home with her parents and...

Coming Out to Unsupportive Family Members

Q: My child recently came out to me as transgender, and I am trying to figure out the best way to support my child around sharing this information with our extended family (grandparents, cousins, etc.) Not everyone in our family has the most inclusive mindset. I want...

Changing Pronouns

Q: Dear Chuck, Is it normal for my child to change pronouns regularly? How can I support them with this? A: Dear Anonymous, Yes, it is perfectly appropriate for your child to explore various pronouns as a part of their gender exploration journey. As a caring adult,...