8 Ways to Support LGBTQ+ Youth Mental Health

8 Ways to Support LGBTQ+ Youth Mental Health

1. Learn about early signs of mental illness While all diagnoses have different symptoms it would be helpful for you to be aware of these common adolescent/adult warning signs: Excessive worrying or fear, Feeling excessively sad or low Confused thinking or problems...
New Beginnings for 2024

New Beginnings for 2024

Let’s start the new year off with some radical self-love and not have resolutions based off of all the ways you need to change. Let’s try something different this year and focus on how you can be an even better YOU and make it the gayest year ever! Below are some ways...
Talking to Relatives about LGBTQ+ Issues 

Talking to Relatives about LGBTQ+ Issues 

As families gather for the holiday season, LGBTQ+ individuals and allies may be preparing to interact with relatives who have different opinions or questions about LGBTQ+ issues.  This can lead to some challenging and potentially tense conversations, and we hope the...