A Board Member’s Article in Teen Vogue

A Board Member’s Article in Teen Vogue

Ben Perry, a board member here at OUT Maine and an accomplished writer, was recently published in Teen Vogue with an insightful and powerful op-ed: “Trans Teens in Maine Fought Back Against Their School Board and Won.” The article tells the story of Maine...
8 Ways to Support LGBTQ+ Youth Mental Health

8 Ways to Support LGBTQ+ Youth Mental Health

1. Learn about early signs of mental illness While all diagnoses have different symptoms it would be helpful for you to be aware of these common adolescent/adult warning signs: Excessive worrying or fear, Feeling excessively sad or low Confused thinking or problems...
Queer and Neurodiverse Youth

Queer and Neurodiverse Youth

A 2018 study of 310 adults diagnosed with Autism showed that 70% of them were not heterosexual.  Another study reviews data from multiple countries and shows a pattern of increased Gender Dysphoria in patients at autism-focused health clinics.  The overlap between...
Trans Day of Visibility

Trans Day of Visibility

Transgender Day of Visibility is on March 31st.  “I wanted a day that we can celebrate the living, and I wanted a day that all over the world we could all be together.” Rachel Crandall-Crocker, TDOV founder There is so much to mourn. Every year, we lose more...