by OUT Maine | Jul 29, 2022 | General, GSTA/GSDA/CRT, Queer Futures
For many LGBTQ+ youth, going back to school means wondering if they will be safe and able to learn without being bullied, harassed, or assaulted. Maine State Law (Title 20-A if you are interested) states that “All students have the right to attend public schools that...
by Aiden Campbell | Jun 28, 2022 | General, GSTA/GSDA/CRT, Parents
Many transgender and non-binary people wear specific types of clothing or accessories to change how their body appears. For example, some people wear binders to flatten their chest, or prosthetic breasts to create a rounder chest. Some people who do not have access...
by Aiden Campbell | May 4, 2022 | General, GSTA/GSDA/CRT, Parents
Mother’s Day is one day where we get to uplift and thank moms for all that they do every day that too often goes unrecognized. Many LGBTQ+ youth find maternal role models outside of their biological family. We want to give a special hearty shout out to all the...
by Aiden Campbell | May 4, 2022 | GSTA/GSDA/CRT
May is Mental Health Awareness Month! Sometimes life gets busy and we forget to take the time to appreciate ourselves and others. Over the last two years there has been a lot of unpredictability and change, which can feel scary. Take some time to support your own...
by OUT Maine | Apr 6, 2022 | GSTA/GSDA/CRT
Haystack/OUT Maine Immersive Studio-based Arts Weekend We are excited to announce that through our partnership with Haystack Mountain School of Crafts the Haystack/OUT Maine Immersive Studio-based Arts Weekend is returning this September! Celebrated LGBTQ+ artists...
by Aiden Campbell | Apr 5, 2022 | GSTA/GSDA/CRT
Materials: tissue paper or real flowers (wild or store bought), pipe cleaners/strips of paper or anything creative to make the base of a crown. See the video below for help! The goal of this activity is to have fun creating and designing. Put together colors, flowers...